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How to join Lewes u3a
We are always delighted to welcome new members, so
if you would like to join, please complete the form below, and then click the Submit Membership Request
button at the end.
An Open day is held each year at the Corn Exchange in the Town Hall. This is open to anyone and members of the Committee and Group Leaders will be there to explain more about Lewes u3a and the activities of their Groups. There will also be the opportunity to apply to join. The 2024 one will take place on Wednesday 4th September from 9 am to 1 pm.
If you are an existing member, even though we have a new website with a new login procedure, your membership is unchanged and you do not need to re-apply. You should instead go to the Login Page and follow the instructions there.
Please allow a few days from submitting the form. Our Membership Secretary will be in touch with you to let you know the next
steps, and to request payment. Please include an email address as without this
we will be unable to process your application. If you would like to discuss
your application with someone please contact us by clicking on Membership Secretary.
PLEASE NOTE the following:
Individual membership is the normal type. Associate membership allows a discount for people who are already members of another u3a. Joint membership allows a discount for two members at the same address; one member is Joint and the other is Joint Partner.
Please do not try to send payment with
your application, you will be contacted separately regarding this.
PRIVACY - like all responsible
organisations we take the privacy of our members, and the protection of
any personal data we hold, very seriously. Our Privacy and Data Protection policies are available to
read by clicking the links.
GIFT AID - using Gift Aid means
that for every pound you give, we get an extra 25p from The Inland Revenue,
helping your membership subscription go further. If you wish this subscription
and all future subscriptions to Lewes u3a to be Gift Aided, please check the
'Yes' box in the form below. Your membership subscription cheque or other
payment must be drawn on your own bank account, or a joint bank account in
which you are one of the account holders. You must update your details on our
website (Profile tab) if you want to cancel this declaration, change
your name or home address, or no longer pay sufficient tax on your income and/or
capital gains. If you are not a UK taxpayer, or do not want your u3a subscription to be Gift Aided please check the 'No' box. Please note that if
you agree to Gift Aid your subscription, you also agree to Lewes u3a sharing
your data with HMRC, and retaining your personal data in accordance with their